10 Questions we ask every band...
Burn The Water
1) What are the names of your members?
Since it’s a solo project, it’s only me handling the guitar, bass duties and sampling programming stuff. 2) When did you all get together? Reference to my first answer. It’s a solo project. 3) How would you describe our music? I’ve always found that a hard question to answer. The debut EP was basically hardcore metal infused with industrial electronic stuffs and a lot of ambience that resulted due to the lot of experimenting that took place during the mixing stages. But the new stuff is very much different. Its industrial groove metal with a lot of darkwave and cyber thingy thrown in. Do keep an ear out for it. 4) Who are your major influences? Musically, it has to be all the bands I grew up hearing to like nu-metal daddies Slipknot and also Linkin Park(yes, how much ever you hate them, I still listen to their stuff), POD and also a truckload of other bands(aired on the TV/radio) which I can’t remember right now. But as time passed by, influences became strong and obvious with inclusion of bands/artists like Devin Townsend, Sybreed, Textures, Behemoth, Meshuggah and the lot. 5) Complete the sentence: One day as a band we hope to…. Conquer the world? Haha. For me, one day as a band I hope to be successful and satisfied with what I’ve done and the music I’ve created(and also make lots of money). That’s all. Nothing else matters. 6) Why should people listen to your music? I won’t go on saying my music is unique or contrived shit like that, but if you have some minutes to spare, check out my music and let me know if it was worth those minutes or if it was just a waste of time. Would really like to know that. 7) What are your plans for the upcoming year? This year has just started. So as for this year, recording and releasing single(s) are on the pipeline. As for the next year, I’m looking at releasing a full-length. 8) What albums/EPs have you released so far and where can people get hold of them? Released the debut EP ‘Eschatological’ earlier this year. People can get hold of them from the official BURN the Water bandcamp page. You can either download it for free or buy a physical copy (slim digipack with free stickers) for just 2$. Do check it out at http://burnthewater.bandcamp.com . 9) Finally – say something profound that will make everyone think: There’s a monster behind you. Only way to make it disappear? Start your internet connection, download the EP and have a listen. Very random, I know. Anyways, thanks a lot to loud-stuff.com for the interview. Cheers and take care! BURN the Water web: Facebook: http://facebook.com/waterburns Reverbnation: http://reverbnation.com/burnthewater Bandcamp: http://burnthewater.bandcamp.com |