10 Questions we ask every band...
After having a listen to their EP, we thought it only fair to ask Crysis, a band from Oxfordshire, a little bit about themselves, their music and how they came to be!
Kial Churcher – Vocals, Shaun Linstead – Lead Guitar, Josh O'Brien – Rhythm Guitar, Kyle Quinnel – Bass Guitar, Matt Pledge - Drums We got together around nearly a year ago, yeah it was actually around Mid-June time after me, Matt and Kyle had disbanded Gehinnom Me, Matt and Kyle still wanted to make music, so we wanted to make another band, I had met Shaun at my local pub through a couple of mutual friends and we just started talking about guitars and Pantera, and he said he was interested about making a band, granted this was a year before we actually all got into a practise room together!And Josh I met through a mutual friend and we started talking about tattoo's and Lamb of God and heavy metal in general, and he played guitar, and we needed two guitar players in the band, so I roped in Josh and Shaun to play the guitars, and here we are, one big happy 3/5th ginger family. 4) How would you describe the music you make? The music we make?...Like the soundtrack to punching a brick wall into dust! 5) Who are your major influences? Anything we generally listen to comes through on our music. I know Kyle is a huge Coheed fan, Matt's a really big God Forbid fan as well, Josh is heavy into his Whitechapel and Carnifex stuff, and me and Shaun are really heavy into our Pantera and Lamb of God. It's a big collection of different things squashed together into a big meaty, metal sandwich . 6) Complete the sentence:One day as a band we hope to... play with our peers and play some of the most established metal and rock festivals around...that or have 2 bands members that can drive!...our poor drummer, having to drive us around everywhere... 7) Why should people listen to your music? 8) What are your plans for the coming year? 9) Where can people get hold of your album? |