10 Questions we ask every band...
1). What are the names of your members?
POM (Solo artist) 2). When did you all get together? At birth. 3). How did you all meet? See 2. 4). How would you describe your music? Easy on the ears… hard on the fingers. 5). Who are your major influences? Paco De Lucia, John McClaughlin, Pat Metheney, Eddie Van Halen to name a few on the guitar… plus anything else with integrity and that which reflects total truth. I was never really into Van Halen’s music but one day I heard him on a nylon strung acoustic and It stuck. This amazing double handed legato. I couldn’t make sense of it. Together with his sense of humour and self deprecating manner as an artist, endeared him to me. I listened to the late Michael Hedges for a while quite some time back. His double handed playing was beautiful and unique at the time. It was sad when I heard of his death. I Had to do a lot of listening to artists in those days, there was no Youtube or computers for that matter when I started out, so even slowing stuff down to listen to wasn’t an option. I was always into the acoustic guitar, never the electric and so early on the artists I listened to were mainly acoustic artists. John McClaughlin and Paco De Lucia were hugely influential to me. I followed them for years, for the music and shear energy of their style and improvisation. Much later, when I knew where my music and playing was meant to be going I stopped listening to my “playing” influences so much and started getting into anything I just liked. Right now I’m listening to Radio Head, The Black Keys, Rodrigo Y Gabrielle, and Adele among others. 6). Complete the sentence: One day as a band I hope to… Keep writing and playing the music I love for as long as possible… Plus sell some records along the way. 7). Why should people listen to your music? “Should” is a tough word. You can’t demand people listen to your music… only hope they stay engaged if you get the chance to let them hear it. I’m pretty proud of my music though so… give it a go and see what you think. 8). What are your plans for the upcoming year? Well it’s early days for the album (Sleepwalker) and a few more reviews like your good selves were kind enough to deliver would help people take some notice. I’m actually hoping to get out and play more live. Solo mainly but depending on demand and where I may end up it would be great to have some other musicians along. 9). What albums/EP’s have you released so far and where can people get hold of them? “Sleepwalker” is my debut album. You can download it from most download sites including itunes and the CD can be bought through the label directly (Copro Records), Amazon, and many international sites, CD Wow etc. Demo versions of some of the tracks from the album have been used in low budget indie movie “Lost Contact” which can be watched through Love Film, and “Hard Knocks”: an Arthur Cauty feature documentary exploring the world of professional wrestling. There are music videos of my playing on Youtube and also embedded into my website www.pom-guitarist.com 10). Finally – say something profound that will make everyone think: “Even if you are the minority of one… the truth is still the truth”. But I didn’t say that. It was Mahatma Gandhi. Check out what we had to say about the music which Pom is creating, HERE. |