10 Questions we ask every band...
1). What are the names of your members?
Aaron Scoti, Lars Slate 2). When did you all get together? SCOTI*SLATE has been a viable, musical entity for roughly two years 3). How did you all meet? After both of our prospective projects imploded. a mutual friend thought we should meet... they were right. 4). How would you describe your music? The only way i can accurately describe our sound is... vibrating, chocolate fudge. 5). Who are your major influences? All the great duo's... barnum & bailey, peaches & herb, simon & simon, hall & oates, beavis & butthead 6). Complete the sentence: One day as a band we hope to… We hope to change the face of music by raising the bar a bit. making these hacks compete by having to put out material that is much more thoughtful, well written and with substance. of course we'd also love to sell out. 7). Why should people listen to your music? Because Nickleback blows. 8). What are your plans for the upcoming year? We are resolute to lose the last of our baby fat. beyond that, we smell a tour and if all goes as planned, we'll have peaked just as the world ends in December. 9). What albums/EP’s have you released so far and where can people get hold of them? www.scotislate.com will lead you to all the usual suspects, where you can find our music and pics of our perty mugs! 10). Finally – say something profound that will make everyone think: Sorry, can't do it. i was really unprepared for this one. ask me again in a year or so. |